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Slf. Hexafluoride, 125, 3.0, -, 99.9%, 57 lbs, Low Pressure Steel (LPS), CGA 590

Category Other

Slf. Hexafluoride, 125, 3.0, -, 99.9%, 57 lbs, Low Pressure Steel (LPS), CGA 590

Item Code: SG125G0001
Category Other
Catalog Number SF6-125-3.0(-)-57 lbs-LPS-CGA 590

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Sulfur Hexafluoride gas is a colorless, odorless, nontoxic, nonflammable gas that is used as an insulating gas in electrical equipment. At atmospheric pressures, sulfur hexafluoride gas sublimes directly from a solid to a gas. It is shipped as a liquefied compressed gas. Sulfur hexafluoride gas is used for leak detection and as a gaseous dielectric for transformers, condensers, and circuit breakers. Sulfur hexafluoride gas is highly effective as an etchant in the semiconductor industry.


  • Brand : Generic Gas
  • Category : Other
  • Cylinder : 125
  • Cylinder Material : Low Pressure Steel
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Slf. Hexafluoride, 125, 3.0, -, 99.9%, 57 lbs, Low Pressure Steel (LPS), CGA 590

Category Other

Slf. Hexafluoride, 125, 3.0, -, 99.9%, 57 lbs, Low Pressure Steel (LPS), CGA 590

Item Code: SG125G0001
Category Other
Catalog Number SF6-125-3.0(-)-57 lbs-LPS-CGA 590

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Sulfur Hexafluoride gas is a colorless, odorless, nontoxic, nonflammable gas that is used as an insulating gas in electrical equipment. At atmospheric pressures, sulfur hexafluoride gas sublimes directly from a solid to a gas. It is shipped as a liquefied compressed gas. Sulfur hexafluoride gas is used for leak detection and as a gaseous dielectric for transformers, condensers, and circuit breakers. Sulfur hexafluoride gas is highly effective as an etchant in the semiconductor industry.


  • Brand : Generic Gas
  • Category : Other
  • Cylinder : 125
  • Cylinder Material : Low Pressure Steel
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